Current projects

Uncovering the Kinship Matrix: A New Study of Solidarity and Transmission in European Families (KINMATRIX)

In August 2019, I have received an ERC Starting Grant of € 1,5 million from the European Commission for my project KINMATRIX. This 5-year project will start in spring 2020. The project description is here.


Critical Life Events and the Dynamics of Inequality (CRITEVENTS)

I am principal investigator of the NORFACE project Critical Life Events and the Dynamics of Inequality: Risk, Vulnerability, and Cumulative Disadvantage (CRITEVENTS, 2017-2020), which has been awarded € 1,5 million by the European Commission via an ERA-NET Cofund grant (2017-2020). Read more about this project here.


Inequality, Early Adult Life Courses, and Economic Outcomes at Mid-Life (EQUALLIVES)

I am co-applicant of the NORFACE project Inequality, Early Adult Life Courses, and Economic Outcomes at Mid-Life in Comparative Context (EQUALLIVES, 2018-2021). More information about this project is here.