
For a full list of publications, please see my CV.

Hogendoorn, B., Kalmijn, M., & Leopold, T. (2021): Why Do Lower Educated People Separate More Often? Life Strains and the Gradient in Union Dissolution. European Sociological Review.

Van den Berg, L., Kalmijn, M., & Leopold, T. (2021): Explaining Cross-National Differences in Leaving Home. Population, Space and Place, 27, e2476.

Forster, A., van de Werfhorst, H., & Leopold, T. (2021): Who Benefits Most from College? Dimensions of Selection and Heterogeneous Returns to Higher Education in the United States and the Netherlands. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility.
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Turek, K., Kalmijn, M., & Leopold, T. (2021): The Comparative Panel File: Harmonized Household Panel Surveys from Seven Countries. European Sociological Review.
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Van Winkle, Z., & Leopold, T. (2021): Family Size and Economic Wellbeing Following Divorce: The United States in Comparative Perspective. Social Science Research.
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Kalmijn, M., & Leopold, T. (2021): A New Look at the Separation Surge in Europe: Contrasting Adult and Child Perspectives. American Sociological Review, 86, 1–34.
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Skopek, J, & Leopold, T. (2020): Educational Reproduction in Germany: A Prospective Study Based on Retrospective Data. Demography, 57, 1241–1270.
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Van den Berg, L., Kalmijn, M., & Leopold, T. (2020): Stepfamily Effects on Early Home-Leaving: The Role of Conflict and Closeness. Journal of Marriage and Family.
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Büyükkeçeci, Z., Leopold, T., van Gaalen, R., & Engelhardt, H. (2020): Family, Firms, and Fertility A Study of Social Interaction Effects. Demography, 57, 243–266.

Büyükkeçeci, Z., Leopold, T. (2020): Sibling Influence on Family Formation: A Study of Social Interaction Effects on Fertility, Marriage, and Divorce. Advances in Life Course Research.
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Van Scheppingen, M., & Leopold, T. (2019): Trajectories of Life Satisfaction Before, Upon, and After Divorce: Evidence From a New Matching Approach. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. [replication files]

Hogendoorn, B., Leopold, T., & Bol, T. (2019): Divorce and Diverging Poverty Rates: A Risk and Vulnerability Approach. Journal of Marriage and Family, 82, 1089–1109.
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Leopold, T. (2019): Diverging Trends in Satisfaction With Housework:  Declines in Women, Increases in Men. Journal of Marriage and Family, 81, 133–144.
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Stojmenovska, D., Bol, T., & Leopold, T. (2019) : Teaching Replication to Graduate Students. Teaching Sociology, 47, 303–313.

Van den Berg, L., Kalmijn, M., & Leopold, T. (2019): Leaving and Returning Home: A New Approach to Off-Time Transitions. Journal of Marriage and Family, 81, 679–695.
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Skopek, J., & Leopold, T. (2018): Explaining Gender Convergence in Housework Time: Evidence From a Cohort Sequence Design. Social Forces, 98, 578–621.
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Leopold, T. (2018): Gender Differences in the Consequences of Divorce: A Study of Multiple Outcomes. Demography, 55, 781–797. [replication files]

Leopold, T., Skopek, J., & Schulz, F. (2018): Gender Convergence in Housework Time: A Life Course and Cohort Perspective. Sociological Science, 5, 281–303.
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Kalmijn, M., & Leopold, T. (2018): Changing Sibling Relationships After Parents’ Death: The Role of Solidarity and Kinkeeping. Journal of Marriage and Family, 81, 99–114.

Leopold, L., & Leopold, T. (2018): Education and Health Across Lives and Cohorts: A Study of Cumulative (Dis)Advantage and Its Rising Importance in Germany. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 59, 94–112.
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Leopold, T., & Schulz, F. (2018): Health and Housework in Later Life: A Longitudinal Study of Retired Couples. Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 75, 184–194.
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Van den Berg, L., Kalmijn, M., & Leopold, T. (2018): Family Structure and Early Home Leaving: A Mediation Analysis. European Journal of Population, 34, 873–900.
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Leopold, L., & Leopold, T. (2018): Education and Health Across Lives and Cohorts: A Study of Cumulative (Dis)Advantage and Its Rising Importance in Germany. Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 59, 94–112.
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Skopek, J, & Leopold, T. (2017): Who Becomes a Grandparent – and When? Education and Fertility in Multigenerational Perspective. Demographic Research, 37, 917–928.
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Stojmenovska, D., Bol, T., & Leopold, T. (2017): Does Diversity Pay? A Replication of Herring. American Sociological Review, 82,  857–867. [replication files]

Leopold, L., Leopold, T., & Lechner, C. (2017): Do Immigrants Suffer More  From Job Loss? Unemployment and Subjective Well-Being in Germany. Demography, 54, 231–257.
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Leopold, T., & Skopek, J. (2016): Retirement and Changes in Housework: A Panel Study of Dual Earner Couples.  Journal of Gerontology: Social Sciences, 73, 733–743.
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Leopold, T., & Kalmijn, M. (2016): Is Divorce More Painful When Couples Have Children? Evidence From Long-Term Panel Data on Multiple Domains of Well-Being. Demography, 53, 1717–1742.
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Leopold, T. & Skopek, J. (2015). The Demography of Grandparenthood: An International Profile. Social Forces, 94, 801–832.

Leopold, T. & Skopek, J. (2015). Convergence or Continuity? The Gender Gap in Household Labor After Retirement. Journal of Marriage and Family, 77, 819–832.
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Leopold, T., & Lechner, C. (2015). Parents’ Death and Adult Well-Being: Gender, Age and Adaptation to Filial Bereavement. Journal of Marriage and Family, 77, 747–760.
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Lechner, C., & Leopold, T. (2015): Religious Attendance Buffers the Impact of Unemployment on Life Satisfaction: Longitudinal Evidence from Germany. Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 54, 166–174.
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Leopold, T., & Skopek, J. (2015). The Delay of Grandparenthood. A Cohort Comparison in East and West Germany. Journal of Marriage and Family, 77, 441–460.
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Leopold, T., & Skopek, J. (2014): Gender and the Division of Labor in Older Couples: How European Grandparents Share Market Work and Childcare. Social Forces, 93, 63–91.
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Leopold, T., Raab, M. & Engelhardt, H. (2014): The Transition to Parent Care: Costs, Commitments and Caregiver Selection Among Children. Journal of Marriage and Family, 76, 300–318.
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Pink, S., Leopold, T., & Engelhardt, H. (2014): Fertility and Social Interaction at the Workplace. Does Childbearing Spread Among Colleagues?  Advances in Life Course Research, 21, 113–122.

Leopold, T., & Raab, M. (2013): The Temporal Structure of Intergenerational Exchange: A Within-Family Analysis of Parent-Child Reciprocity. Journal of Aging Studies, 27, 252–263.

Leopold, T. (2012): The Legacy of Leaving Home: Long-Term Effects of Coresidence on Parent-Child Relationships. Journal of Marriage and Family, 74, 399–412.

Leopold, T., Geißler, F., & Pink, S. (2012): How Far Do Children Move? Spatial Distances After Leaving the Parental Home. Social Science Research, 41, 991–1002.

Leopold, T., & Schneider, T. (2011): Family Events and the Timing of Intergenerational Transfers. Social Forces, 90, 595–616.

Leopold, T., & Raab, M. (2011): Short-Term Reciprocity in Late Parent-Child Relationships. Journal of Marriage and Family, 73, 105–119.